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Essay/Term paper: Literary analysis: the storm

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Kate Chopin

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The plot of the story "The Storm" by Kate Chopin is a conventional everyday

plot. The story would not be so interesting if it weren't for the last line of the

story; "So the storm passed and everyone was happy." What did she mean by

the closing line? My interpretation of the story is that she meant the rocky part

of both Calixta and Alcee's mariage had passed along with the storm. Both

Alcee and Calixta cheated on their spouse, however, they both knew that

when the stor was over they would return to faithfulness with their mates.

Alcee obviously felt regretful, as indicated when the author writes; "It was a

loving letter full of tender solicitude." He then went on to say "although he

missed them, he was willing to bear the separation a while longer-realizing that

their health and pleasure were the first things to be considered." These quotes

were taken from the letter Alcee had written to his wife. The storm had

passed and it looked as if everyone in Alcee's situation was going to be

happy. As for Calixta, she was extremely happy to see her son and husband

return home safely, as indicated in the story; "She had clasped Bibi and was

kissing him effusively." Calixta then went on to Bobinot and "Felt him to see if

he was dry, and seemed to express nothing but satisfaction at their safe

return." Calixta had also withstood the storm of her marriage and everyone

seemed to be happy too. Alcee and Calixta both seemed to realize they were

blessed with loving spouses. In their moment of passion they did not realize

how lucky they both were. I feel they both came to grips with the fact that

what happened between them was an act of lust and there were no feelings

involved. The moment was very arousing to each of them but when the storm

was over so was the act of lust and betrayal. My opinion is, this act was going

to help both Alcee's and Calixta's marriage rather than hurt it, as long as their

respective spouses do not find out what happened during the storm. I bring

this up because both guilty parties involved seemed to come away fromthe

incident loving their spouses more and realizing that their choice of who to

marry was the right choice to make. Each xpressed concern for their spouses

well being and the actions they took during the storm didn't even cross their

minds as the storm passed. Sometimes people need a "storm" to happen in

their lives to help them realize how good they have it. Alcee and Calixta came

away from the storm realizing that they had each found the love of their lives

and it wasn't each other. Neither wanted to loose their love, "So the storm

passed and everyone was happy."  

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